Innovation in eHealth Application Development

Today, businesses are seeking new ways to address healthcare with digital health or ehealth application development innovation. These include electronic medical records, EMR integration, telehealth, imaging diagnostics, AI for pathology and much more.  The needs of communities and individuals are greatly enhanced by the integration of medical, social, behavioral and environmental data.

They are doing this to increase positive outcomes and foster healthier lifestyles to lower costs for medical care or innovate with AI. Furthermore, Intersog can help your business do just this!

Eiring Øystein
Eiring Øystein
I believe patients will increasingly insist that they’re the owners of their own treatment, issues, health data and, in particular, any decisions concerning their health. Accordingly, patients are the main untapped resources in healthcare and we should see an increasing number of applications popping out to help them take better control of their own health

Benefits Achieved With Digital Health Solutions

[preview]1[/preview] Provide healthcare providers the opportunity to segment patient population and tailor services
[preview]2[/preview] Increase and improve patient involvement in medical decision making
[preview]3[/preview] Reduce / eliminate communication gaps between physicians and patients, as well as healthcare organizations and service providers
[preview]4[/preview] Provide convenient and cost effective healthcare services for communities
[preview]5[/preview] Streamline admissions and discharges through improved management of process flows and procedures
[preview]6[/preview] Improve clinician decision making with medical research and data warehousing
[preview]7[/preview] Access patient information fast and easily
[preview]8[/preview] Shorten hospital stays and improve admitted patient experiences

How to be a Part of the eHealth Ecosystem

Basically, if you can offer an effective digital health tool that targets physicians, patients and other healthcare providers’ primary concerns, we can develop and deploy an eHealth app at a reasonable cost with premium quality!

Types of Mobile Health Solutions We Deliver

all things


Apps that monitor physical activity, diet, medications, chronic diseases, and apps for wearable gadgets.


Apps or mobile systems that enable remote diagnosis and self-assessment of symptoms.


Patient decision aid, patient prioritization, remote treatment or adherence improvement apps.


Calorie calculators, education / information, data capture and analytics apps.


Video consultation apps.


Web / mobile booking systems and inpatient care management tools.

Why Choose Intersog As Your eHealth Software Development Partner?


First-Hand Experience With Building Innovative eHealthcare Technology

Intersog offers first-hand experience in developing and designing some of the world’s most groundbreaking medical apps like Video Medicine and DECIDE Treatment. Additionally, we offer full-stack web development and mobile application development based on healthcare industry best practices and use cases, and offer value-added services to keep your digital health solution up-to-date, help monetize or drive it to top charts of the relevant app stores. Intersog delivers solutions that fully meet and exceed HIPAA safety regulations and comply with your national and international healthcare regulations.
[preview]Software engineers[/preview]

On-Demand Software Engineers and Mobile Developers

We have access to onshore within North America, nearshore in Mexico and Canada, and offshore  software engineers and mobile developers in Europe and Israel. Developers of all seniority levels to ensure your digital health product will be delivered on time and up to your expectations. Indeed, this flexibility allows us to meet nearly any software development budget. We offer scalable Agile Team Programs tailored specifically to your software development needs and objectives.
Do you want to test our eHealth software development expertise before engaging with us on your project development?
Finally, contact us to learn more about why you should consider partnering with Intersog for your eHealth / medical software development project. 
Intersog does not engage with external agencies for recruitment purposes. Learn more about this here.