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How to Create a WebRTC Application: Tips & Tricks

So, what is WebRTC exactly? WebRTC is a set of browser API’s that allow developers to implement various functionalities – shared live editing, file transfer,...

React JS Tips and Tricks 2021

It's been a long time since the first release of the React. Before we will dive deeper into react’ itself, let’s do a small throwback into react’s...

How to Program a Voice Assistant in 10 Minutes

In the previous article, we built the simplest speaking chatbot entirely in a browser, with the help of the NLP.js library and Web Speech API. Our demo application showed an...

How to Build a Voice Assistant for Your Website

Today you can actually build a voice assistant for your website without too much time or effort. Just some gumption and a little know how. Chatbot functionality and quality are...

Why RxSwift Is Worth Using in 2021

RxSwift, like any tool, is just a convenient way to solve any problem. Some time ago it was very popular to use Rx in all mobile applications. Let's see if this is so at the...

How Close Are We to Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence is a step beyond the current AI capabilities all around us. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already part of our day to day, whether we chose to...

Calculating Time Complexity of an Algorithm: What You Should Know

Computational complexity Computational complexity or simply complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the amount of time and/or space required by an algorithm for an input of...