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How Much Does It Cost to Build a Web App?

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How to Lock a Nested NPM Dependency to Some Exact Version

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Top Pros and Cons of Staff Augmentation

What is IT Staff Augmentation? Nowadays, finding the right candidates to fill IT positions can be challenging and demanding. Plus, great developers and engineers are hard to...

Enterprise Software Development Services

A software development project needs a solid and skilled team to be fulfilled successfully. However, it is normal for companies to lack the skills and knowledge required for the...

Intersog Featured among the Best Mobile App Developers in Chicago for 2022

We're proud to announce that Intersog has been named one of the best mobile app developers in Chicago for 2022 by With more than sixteen years of experience and...

​​Intersog Distinguished Among Top IoT Companies in Illinois, US

This November, Intersog was listed among the top IoT companies in Illinois by IoT Development. This distinction helps companies push the developments in the IoT domain to...

What Is the Demand for Software Engineers?

If you are trying to hire software developers for your new project, you might want to know if the demand for software engineers is high. The short answer is yes, the demand for...

​​How Many Hours Do Software Developers Work Per Week?

If you are new to software development or want to hire developers for your next project, you might wonder how many hours do software developers work a day. Well, it really...

What to Look for in a UX Designer When Hiring One

It might be quite challenging to evaluate the skills of the UX designer, especially if you are not a designer yourself. If you are currently looking for a UX designer, and you...