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Ukraine Ranks #33 In Top 50 Innovative Countries 2015

Ukraine has made a huge leap in Bloomberg's Annual Global Innovation Index 2015: in just one year, our country has jumped from 49th to 33rd spot and left behind such innovative...

Growth of Mobile Gambling and Subscriptions: 2010 - 2019

As you may know, gambling was one of the first industries to have moved to the mobile space some time ago. It all started with SMS lotteries followed by online slot machines...

Code Review Checklist Infographic

While you may think that code reviews are just big time wasters, they are useful indeed, especially when you want to catch bugs / find errors, ensure your code is readable and...

Smartwatch App Developer Guide: What You Should Know

In 2015, smartwatch is probably going to be the wearable gadget of the year in terms of consumer demand and experience. To date, there're actually two types of smartwatches - one...

How Not To Fail UI/UX Design Crash Course at British School of Art and Design

Big projects, disagreement inside team, restless nights, new findings and many other things that I learned and took away from my knowledge enhancement trip to Moscow. UI / UX...

Programming Languages Ranking: January 2015 vs January 2014

We traditionally publish our year-on-year comparison of programming languages ranking to see how software development landscape changes over time. As usual, RedMonk research helps...

[Intersog Partner News] To Boost Online Shopping in Germany

We're happy to congratulate our former client on a huge milestone achieved - 4 year-old Germany’s equivalent of closed a €45 million ($52 million)...