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5 Facts of Mobile App Stats

Thanks to the booming of a stay-at-home economy in recent years, mobile app stats are changing yet again and here are 5 main facts. The number of mobile application downloads has...

AI Is Boosting Retail Sales

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going through an accelerated period of innovation and adoption and already boosting retail sales. According to PwC, AI will contribute as much as...

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Improve Healthcare

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) will improve healthcare is still in the infancy stage. The healthcare industry has always been one of the first to adopt new technology. A primary...

Python for AI and What Else?

Python has taken over the development space and Python is definitely for AI as well as many other application arenas. In fact, it's everywhere. Ask any coder, and they'll tell...

Javascript is Still Cool!

JavaScript is everywhere and javascript is still as cool as ever! Since the language was developed in 1995 by Brendan Eich to make websites interactive, it has gone on to do a...

Top Software Development Methodologies

The success of any project depends on several factors including the proficiency of your dev team, sufficient buy in and budget, good QA and ultimately, good process. This makes...

Global AI Race: Dominant Players and Aspiring Challengers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a global AI race and a key driver of economic growth as its evolution and implications are significant to various industries, making it a...