Animation is at the core of mobile app user experiences (UX). In fact, animated transitions subtly communicate a variety of messages and show the user how to navigate through the...
Technology has taken over almost all aspects of our lives, so it’s not surprising that it’s playing a vital role in the future of education. From schools to universities to...
In recent years, telehealth has grown exponentially to meet the evolving demands of patients, doctors, employers, health systems, and providers. These days, it’s quickly...
Over the last couple of years, there’s been a lot of buzz around the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). This has lead to rapid adoption of connected devices across...
To say that software development evolves at an accelerated pace is an understatement. In fact, the frameworks, tools, and programming languages that you’re using today might be...
Airlines and hotels were some of the first enterprises to embrace the mobile commerce revolution, and they have never looked back. Today, mobile is at the core of travel...
Connected cars are no longer a pipe dream that only exists in sci-fi movies, it’s very much a reality that will be omnipresent one day. In fact, the global connected car market...
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