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All About Google Machine Learning and AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are getting more and more attention nowadays. Investing in AI and ML means getting the competitive advantage every business...

Python for AI and What Else?

Python has taken over the development space and Python is definitely for AI as well as many other application arenas. In fact, it's everywhere. Ask any coder, and they'll tell...

How to Hire AI Developers: A Complete Guide

The artificial intelligence (AI) development market is booming, and it's not just because of the rise of chatbots and virtual assistants. AI developers are also in high demand...

How to Speed Up Neural Network Training with Data Splitting

Introduction Artificial neural networks are popular to find complex relationships between input data and results. They are useful for solving businesses, medical and academic...

What Are the Jobs of the Future 2030?

Around this time last year, millions of people across the world started losing their jobs due to the COVID-19 crisis. The good news is that countries with robust economies...

The World in Technology

The future of transportation Through magnets and low air, pressure humanity is taking giant steps on our transportation here on Earth. Image credit: Sputniknews The...

How to Use GPT-2 for Custom Data Generation

The GPT-2 is a text-generating AI system that has the impressive ability to generate human-like text from minimal prompts. The model generates synthetic text samples to continue...

Who Would Let the Robot Drive? The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Another restless night with only a couple of hours of REM sleep. And now, a long commute driving to work in heavy traffic. But no worries, you will be able to catch a few...

AI Trends To Dominate In The Mobile Industry

The penetration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evident in every single industry, starting from the entertainment industry to crucial advancements in the healthcare industry...

Warehouse Automation Trends that are Re-shaping the Landscape of Supply Chain Management

The supply chain industry is quickly becoming the breeding ground for some of the most modern technological advancements of this century and can be characterized as a...

How AI Development Is Helping the Healthcare Industry to Fight Against COVID-19

If you thought that artificial intelligence (AI) was all about self- driving cars and other luxurious equipment, maybe now is the time to change your attitude towards it. Amid...

Who Hires Software Developers Anyways?

Did you know that there are 23 million software developers worldwide according to a study by EDC? And not to mention all the freelance software developers as an addition to the...
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