As a consumer yourself, you have surely experienced the difference between great and poor user experience. Think about the last thing you bought online, how did you feel when you...
Let's start from the basics: what is enterprise software development? Simply put, it is a process whose goal is not to meet the needs of a specific person but aims to meet the...
Imagine a day without using a mobile application. Pretty much impossible, isn’t it? Let’s talk about them. Mobile applications can be generally broken down into three...
Stuck in the past?
Feeling nostalgic for simpler times?
The king of horror novels Stephen King said “Sooner or later, everything old is new again.” That may apply...
In the tech world, there are always competitions, whether it’s about programming languages, web applications, popular frameworks, etc. The reason for that is the ongoing...
The leap in eCommerce acceleration is continuing to grow by 23% year-over-year, and has been brought about by cutting-edge web, supply chain, and mobile technologies. People can...
The global market of IT outsourcing services is anticipated to hit a $1.1 trillion mark in 2020, according to In the age of COVID-19, many more companies are now...