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Intersog's Mobile App Strategy Workbook

We are pleased to announce the release of a complementary Mobile App Strategy Workbook (MASW) designed specifically for businesses that are looking to harness the power of mobile...

Intersog Partners With MMRA To Help Chicago Businesses Increase Their ROI In Mobile

Chicago, IL, April 28, 2015 - Chicago’s Top Mobile App Developer, Intersog is pleased to announce partnership with Mobile Marketing Research Association (MMRA). In the frames of...

'Appy Hour With Intersog & MMRA

With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day and over 80% of the world’s data created in the last two years (according to IBM), what is your strategy to capitalize on...

How Will Fitness Survive Technology’s Wave?

According to IBIS World, the fitness industry will continue to grow slowly over the next five years with revenues projected to increase. However in the midst of this, fitness gyms...

Telemedicine: From Smoke Signals To Mobile Applications

The first form of telemedicine began with African villagers who used smoked signals to warn people to stay away from their village in case of serious disease. In the early 1900s,...

Ukraine Ranks #33 In Top 50 Innovative Countries 2015

Ukraine has made a huge leap in Bloomberg's Annual Global Innovation Index 2015: in just one year, our country has jumped from 49th to 33rd spot and left behind such innovative...

QALight Meetup Roundup

Last weekend I had a chance to attend a free meet-up dedicated to Mobile Apps Testing for juniors organized by QALight Club and held at the Kyiv National Aviation University. The...

Intersog's Head of Development To Host PHP Workshop For IT Recruiters

We're pleased to announce that our Head of Software Development Yuriy Gorokhov will host a workshop for Ukrainian IT recruiters on 21 January 2015 in Odessa, Ukraine. The...

Intersog To Attend Outsourcing World Summit 2015

As a member of the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), our CEO Igor Fedulov will be attending the 2015 Outsourcing World Summit that will take place on...

Intersog Featured as a Market Leader Among Chicago App Developers

Washington, DC based research agency Clutch.Co that uses innovative research to identify leading services firms that deliver results for their clients has mapped Intersog in...

AppPicker Lists Intersog's Taptodo App Among The Best Project Management Apps for iPhone

Good news has just arrived from San Francisco, CA: one of the leading apps review websites AppPicker has included our iOS app Tadtodo: Google Tasks™ client and personal...