IT Strategy

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The Building Blocks Of Big-Data-As-A-Service (BDaaS)

IT Strategy
Different Ways of Building Apps For Connected Cars

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Why Edge Analytics is the Future of Data Science

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How to Wage the War for Big Data Talent

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5 Ways to Prevent Healthcare Data Ransomware Threats

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8 Mistakes Most Managers Make With Data Analytics

When it comes to big data analytics, there’s still a lot of hype surrounding the field. Most mid to large enterprises these days are all advised to set up various protocols to...

How to Find Users for Usability Testing

Many clients that turn to Intersog for development of their custom software solutions underestimate or completely ignore the role of focus group research for general proof of...

R and Python for Data Science: Worthy Opponents?

R and Python programming languages are today's major rivals when it comes to data science and Big Data development. Both have pros and cons and the choice of this or that...

When Will Voice Assistants Become Really Useful?

At an annual LSA 16 conference Timothy Tuttle from MindMeld said that in just one year, 2015, search on virtual assistants had jumped from statistical zero to 10% of overall...

IT Job of the Week: Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning allows companies and startups build smart products and services that provide users with an unprecedented opportunity to have more mature tools for task...

How To Reframe Ethical Dilemmas In Big Data Science

Researchers have often resorted to releasing huge amounts of data from apps and social media online, for their research and studies. In order to address ethical and privacy...

Apple CareKit: New Cool Opportunities for Health Big Data Development

Apple has now publicly committed to disrupting the healthcare industry by releasing CareKit, a framework for eHealth apps that integrates patient health data in a new class of...