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5 Ways to Prevent Healthcare Data Ransomware Threats

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8 Mistakes Most Managers Make With Data Analytics

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How to Find Users for Usability Testing

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R and Python for Data Science: Worthy Opponents?

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When Will Voice Assistants Become Really Useful?

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IT Job of the Week: Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning allows companies and startups build smart products and services that provide users with an unprecedented opportunity to have more mature tools for task...

How To Reframe Ethical Dilemmas In Big Data Science

Researchers have often resorted to releasing huge amounts of data from apps and social media online, for their research and studies. In order to address ethical and privacy...

Apple CareKit: New Cool Opportunities for Health Big Data Development

Apple has now publicly committed to disrupting the healthcare industry by releasing CareKit, a framework for eHealth apps that integrates patient health data in a new class of...

How to Use Brainf-ck as an AI Programming Language

As technology evolves, we hear about specific jobs being replaced by machines. Could the same be true for software developers? Although the thought may seem quite far out, it’s...

Agile Is Dead, Long Live Agile!

While looking for some Agile related content online, I've bumped into an article by William Edmondson and have been intrigued by its title: Agile is Dead. The title seemed rather...

How to Use Enterprise Data Lakes for Better Business Intelligence

When we talk about big data, it can be difficult for the human mind to actually fathom the sheer volume data that is generated on a daily basis. I mean, I really don’t believe...

Josep Curto: The Future Is Impossible Without Big Data

Josep Curto is a renowned research analyst and professor who has helped many companies to leverage data-based decision-making. He's CEO of Delfos Research and Business Analytics...