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No More an IP Destroyer: Five Trends in Open Source Cloud Computing

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What It's Like To Be a Principle Data Architect At Tesla Motors

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Why Nearly 30 Percent of U.S. Startups Will Outsource Their Product Development In 2017

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How to Achieve Marketing Analytics Harmony With Looker for Google BigQuery Data Transfer

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What the Future Holds For Deep Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) technology is going to do great things in the near future. This can be something like creating new tools or building intelligent agents that are...

Cost of IoT Application Development

While every CEO seems to have bought in the development and deployment of IoT-enabled mobile applications these days, the cost of IoT app development remains a burning question,...

How to Manage Millennials on Software Development Teams

The generational gap is now wider than it has ever been and this can cause friction in software development teams mixed with older employees. Millennials (or individuals born in...

C++ for Big Data Development: 3 Key Benefits

Although not immediately obvious, C++ is used in Big Data development along with Java, MapReduce, Python, and Scala. For example, if you’re using a Hadoop framework, it will be...

How VR Is Used In Industrial Applications

When you think about Virtual Reality (VR), the first thing that you think of will probably be video games. While the gaming industry is currently being revolutionized by VR, AR...

Exploring Data In Virtual Reality With Looker

We're pleased to share our partner's video showing Looker engineer Wil Gieseler take us on a journey through the virtual world of data in LookVR, a virtual reality software title...

How Mixed Reality Will Impact Brands

There has been a lot of chatter over the last few years about the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AU), but the industry is still in its infancy. Combining...
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