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No More an IP Destroyer: Five Trends in Open Source Cloud Computing

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What It's Like To Be a Principle Data Architect At Tesla Motors

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How to Achieve Marketing Analytics Harmony With Looker for Google BigQuery Data Transfer

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How Much Does It Cost To Build a Mobile Application?

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C++ for Big Data Development: 3 Key Benefits

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Exploring Data In Virtual Reality With Looker

We're pleased to share our partner's video showing Looker engineer Wil Gieseler take us on a journey through the virtual world of data in LookVR, a virtual reality software title...

How VR Will Disrupt Big Data Dashboards and Visualization

For anyone working in the field of data science, the possibilities that are offered by virtual reality (VR) would have already come to mind a few years ago. Fast forward a couple...

VR/AR Opportunities in FinTech: From Data Visualization To Reinvented Client Service Approaches

People are now well accustomed to browsing and shopping online without ever leaving the house. So the next natural step is to immerse yourself in a virtual and augmented world...

[Webinar] How to Build Meaningful and Effective Dashboards with Looker

As Josh Elman, an investment partner at Greylock Partners, once said in his interview to TechCrunch, "There're people who just do instincts without data — maybe Jobs was great...

How to Create Business Value From Big Data Analytics

Focus on Strategic Data Sets OnlyAlthough you may have a massive amount of data from multiple sources, it doesn’t mean that companies must examine all of the information. It’s...

Virtual Reality Applications in Agriculture: 3 Use Cases

Farming is changing as rapidly as any industry. The intersection of virtual reality, commercial autonomous flying vehicles, i.e., drones, and data drive agriculture to...

What It Takes To Build Apps For Drones

Drones are now more than just toy flying machines; the drones currently available to consumers are flying computers with exceptional 3D computation and application support...