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Building IT Relationship 101: Collaboration Models

Want to build a mutually beneficial relationship with your clients? Of course you do. That is what every business strives to achieve – the ultimate goal for every market player....

How Game Development Differs From Other Software Development Projects

Traditionally, any software development project starts with identification of goals and issues the future product is supposed to reach and resolve. Then we create a requirements...

Eight Wearables You’d Want To Buy Instead of Apple Watch

So you want to get notifications, count steps, and check the time and you’re all into Apple Watch? Maybe, you should give it some consideration. Here’s a list of 10 fancy...

[Infographic] How IT Changes Doctor - Patient Communication

We've created this infographic to reflect results of the 2013 Digital Health Survey by Accenture. While more up-to-date data are yet to be released by the end of 2014, the past...

New Web and Mobile System to Disrupt Patient Decision Making in Norway

Right now Intersog is at the final stage of development of an innovative eHealth tool that aims to usher an entirely new philosophy in the management of chronic diseases and...

Brief Outlook on Digital Health: Industry Challenges and Evolution

Out of all digital health stakeholders, pharmaceutical companies have both the biggest opportunities and challenges when it comes to mobile technologies. Even though the customers...

What To Consider When Building Killer 4G Apps

There're six key factors, basically: User smartphone's battery life User data caps Data transfer settings Data transfer speed Robustness of features Video...