In the world, where every business is becoming a technology business, keeping your website up to date is tedious work and a never-ending process. Each year, we witness the...
Outsourcing technology functions and operations are now a critical part of digitally transformed industries. It’s essentially a cost-effective approach that helps companies...
A well-designed product or website will never fail to become part of the users’ lives and make them feel like they have been using it forever. Creating a product that is...
If you’ve been around for as long as I have, you would have consumed music in many different ways. I remember listening to my father’s copy of Led Zeppelin III on cassette...
Over the last few years, we've observed the positive impact of big data integration & analytics in the healthcare sector and e-commerce. If we take Amazon, for example, we...
Cities around the world are slowly, but surely, getting smarter. As the Internet of Things (IoT) and related intelligent technologies become universal, embedded sensors will not...
To build high-quality software products, you need a strong team of technology professionals. Unfortunately, with the tech talent shortage, this is easier said than...