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10 Best Tech Job Boards for Developers and Engineers

At this age, when technology is at its peak, there’s no industry that does not hire IT professionals. In fact, companies and their recruiters are looking for newer and creative...

Top Growing AI Companies and Startups in the United States

Artificial intelligence is just about everywhere these days and expanding into almost every facet of our lives. The global AI industry is estimated to be worth over $156...

How Developers Keep up with the Latest Software Technologies

To stay on top of the game in every industry you have to put in the time, effort, and money and effectively spend all your assets on the continual knowledge and expertise...

Why Do US Companies Hire Ukrainian Developers?

Think of one place where tech is not in demand. And no, the wilderness does not count. We are not living through the 1600s. It is the year 2020, and tech is the need of this...

A Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Developer

The tech guys get paid a lot,” we are sure you have heard this somewhere. Lately, the word developer has gained popularity. In fact, full-stack development has engaged more...

Who Would Let the Robot Drive? The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Another restless night with only a couple of hours of REM sleep. And now, a long commute driving to work in heavy traffic. But no worries, you will be able to catch a few...

When IT Staff Augmentation Matters to Your Tech Strategy

Got a supremely fantastic idea? Great, so do millions of other people around the world.  For business success, planning is crucial. Doing that will separate those who...

WFA and Talent Retention: How to Retain Tech Talents Working From Anywhere

About $30 billion a day is saved while you work from home. That number is not a joke, nor is it something we are making up. Global workplace analytics confirms it, and they...

Remote Work Basically: Definition and Terminology

Remote work is not a new term to anyone, any more. This is also not the luxury that most employees got as a part of their benefits package in North America. This is pretty much...

Tech Salary Tips: How to Know If You Earn Enough as a Software Developer

Many software engineers are having struggles setting up a salary requirement just because of the difference in salaries with their colleagues. Nevertheless, it seems like the...

Why Do Companies Outsource IT Services: 8 Advantages

To outsource, or not to outsource, that is the question. (With apologies to William Shakespeare.) Basically, those professionals maintain what is arguably the most important...

Basic Tips on How to Become a Developer and Learn Programming from Scratch

Do you want a change of career and become a web developer? Due to the ongoing digital transformation, if you learn how to code, your chances for employment and profit are high....
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