Why Use Cloud-Based Software for Event Management?

Event management is not an easy job. Even when you are trying to manage a small event, you need to organize dozens of things and accomplish different sets of tasks. You need to get the people in one place, delegate the work to your team members, stay in touch with the clients as well as your own employees, and make sure that every single aspect of the event, right from catering to seating arrangement, has been taken care of. You need all the help you can get for tracking changes, allocating resources and solving last-minute problems that are the bane of every event manager.

Using a well-designed cloud-based event management software will ensure that you can take care of all the tasks with minimal fuss. Apart from increasing information accessibility and simplifying communication, it will also help you in many other ways.

Let’s see why using a cloud-based software for managing an event is a smart idea.

1) Location Independence

If you use an event management software that runs on the cloud, you don’t have to depend on a computer or any other device. You can access the software from any device, as long as it is connected to the Internet. Thus, a cloud-based event management software makes it easy for you to interact with employees, suppliers and clients.

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2) Online Registrations and Online Payment

Registering and taking payment is an integral part of many events. This is one area where cloud technology can be a game changer. At a physical venue, you can use devices joined with the software to register users and complete all the processes that accompany registration – the data is automatically synced with the software. Automatic online registration also becomes easy when you are using an event management software as you can use it to take, track and manage online payments. It can also help you store the data regarding users and send notifications and reminders.

3) Increased Efficiency

A traditional event management software can help you manage just a few aspects of the event from the venue. But with a cloud-based event manager, you can leverage the features of the mobile app development while on the go. You can track events right on the spot, plan your event online while discussing ideas with the client or the supplier, have a single online diary where all event related notes taken by your staff are stored, export your data to different programs and devices, and do a dozen other important tasks anytime, anywhere. And not just you – any employee from your team can take the benefit of the cloud-based event management solution.

4) Reduced Costs

Not only do you get more efficiency when you use a cloud-based event software, but you also save money. Traditionally, cloud computing is known for its ability to cut down cost of investment in software, maintenance and electricity bills. When you use a cloud-based software, you can invest that money in business rather than waste it on infrastructure.

While event management is, at times, a labor-intensive job, the more efficiently you can manage your resources, the more profits you can make. Cloud-based event management tools can let you shift your procurement process online and it can also let you automate several aspects of your work. This leads to reduction in the time and effort, which helps save money.

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5) Management of Common Tasks

Apart from providing all the advantages pertaining to cloud, an event management software will also simplify all the common tasks associated with event management. Such a software will provide specific tools for simple events, multi-day events, conferences, exhibitions and festivals. It can act as a ticketing system, help you manage hotel and restaurant bookings, chart out travel plans, manage speakers and sponsors, and enable users to accomplish most tasks online. This will turn most of the tedious and labor-intensive tasks into easy, automated processes.

6) Wrapping up

Do you run an event management company? Are you an event organizer in a large enterprise or government organization? Do you feel that you are getting buried under a flood of tasks associated with managing events? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you have got to explore different event management software that can leverage cloud technology, and see if using one can make your life easy.

Monik Makadiya

Monik is associated with iVvy (www.ivvy.com), next generation events software that enables you to run and manage your events more effectively. For any query or suggestion stay touch with me on Twitter @painstakingMM

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