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Mobile Health Development: App Privacy Impact Assessment Questions

In March 2015, the European Commission (EC) presented their last draft of mHealth Development Code of Conduct that relies on self-assessment and self-declaration of mobile health...

How App Development Teams Should Monitor End User Experience

In order to determine if a Software Dev Team delivers a high-quality app to end users, distinguishing whether a computer network is up or down won’t really help. Therefore,...

What eHealth Experts Think About e-Prescribing Adoption

Some time ago we published a post about what's holding back electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) adoption in the U.S. primary care. Then I approached my LinkedIn connections...

Big Data Use Cases In Sports

Big Data is referred to as the analysis of voluminous historical data in order to find key trends and make better business decisions. The use of Big Data and predictive analytics...

How to Prove the Value of Big Data Investments and ROI

The buzz surrounding Big Data has been around for a couple of years now. But how does one analyze a massive amount of data to derive “good data” from it? It’s the good data...

The State of Connected Cars Market In 2015 and Beyond

This year, the majority of car makers have come to the same conclusion - selling conventional cars is no longer an opportunity. What really in demand today is the mobility with...

Six Building Blocks of UX Design for Mobile Health Apps

Mobile healthcare apps (aka mHealth apps) have become widespread in various aspects of healthcare, largely as an effect of the rapid evolution of 3G and 4G technologies. Our...