For anyone working in the field of data science, the possibilities that are offered by virtual reality (VR) would have already come to mind a few years ago. Fast forward a couple...
The present moment is an excellent time to learn how to create devices that exploit the Internet of Things as a technology. To build an IoT application or device requires that...
Virtual Reality (VR) is expected to come of age in 2017 and that means it will play a more significant role across various industries for years to come. One of the obvious fields...
People are now well accustomed to browsing and shopping online without ever leaving the house. So the next natural step is to immerse yourself in a virtual and augmented world...
As Josh Elman, an investment partner at Greylock Partners, once said in his interview to TechCrunch, "There're people who just do instincts without data — maybe Jobs was great...
If you look at the financial category of the ProgrammableWeb directory, you’ll see approximately 1,700 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) listed. Further, there are also...
According to Google Trends, "app development cost" is one of today's most popular search terms in the United States and UK, with regional interest rates reaching 100 and 94...
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