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Overview of eHealth Sensors: Grove, Cooking Hacks and BITalino

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How Raspberry PI Telehealth Kit Will Boost Health IoT

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How to Keep Your Remote Software Development Team Safe and Secure

The telecommuting population is growing rapidly with about 3.7 million Americans already working from home these days. Further, in the UK, 58% professionals who were surveyed...

Why Nearly 30 Percent of U.S. Startups Will Outsource Their Product Development In 2017

Silicon Valley Bank has just published key insights from their 2017 U.S. Startups Outlook 2017 most of which suggest that despite recent uncertainty caused by a transition to a...

How to Achieve Marketing Analytics Harmony With Looker for Google BigQuery Data Transfer

Our Big Data partner Looker that has recently received Google Cloud Global Partner Award 2016 for Solution Innovation releases a video that explains how Looker for Google’s new...

How Virtual Reality Is Used in Telemedicine

Virtual Reality (VR) in healthcare is expected to reach a market value of $3.8 billion by 2020. So the value of this technology and the resulting demand is hardly a...

What the Future Holds For Deep Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) technology is going to do great things in the near future. This can be something like creating new tools or building intelligent agents that are...

12 Popular Programming Languages For IoT Development In 2017

Everyone is talking about smart objects these days and how they are going to impact everyday life. Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is very much a reality with smart...

mHealth Apps Market as of Q3 2016

The hype surrounding mHealth apps is going from strength to strength. But at the same time, barely a fraction of publishers have been able to find a way to monetize...
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