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UX Design Challenges For Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is already here and the buzz that surrounds it will last for some time to come. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or at the grocery store,...

How to Use Enterprise Data Lakes for Better Business Intelligence

When we talk about big data, it can be difficult for the human mind to actually fathom the sheer volume data that is generated on a daily basis. I mean, I really don’t believe...

Dangerous Malware Types Targeting the IoT and Routers

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest technological wave to have affected the manner human beings interact with their physical environment. Wikipedia states that IoT is a...

How Companies Translate Big Data Into Business Intelligence

In today’s business environment, companies are increasingly making decisions based on Big Data. It has gone from being a buzzword that was associated with tech giants like...

Amazing Examples of Ukrainian Startups Disrupting IoT and Smart Tech

A world famous globalization catalyst and business analyst Sean Manchanda believes that Ukrainians are very creative. According to him, "today's digital revolution would be...

Overview of IoT Development Standards and Frameworks

The Internet of Things (IoT) is definitely taking things to the next level, however when it comes to the development of universal standards and frameworks, you can say that...

What Software Developers Should Expect from Visa’s New Developer Program

Visa recently announced that it was going to give developers access to its payments technology to encourage them to develop new products and services to compliment it. Known as...

Shodan: Dark Side of the IoT

Last week, tech media was actively discussing Shodan, the world's biggest search engine for the Internet of Things (IoT), and its new section that allows for easy browsing of...

How to Prove the Value of Big Data Investments and ROI

The buzz surrounding Big Data has been around for a couple of years now. But how does one analyze a massive amount of data to derive “good data” from it? It’s the good data...

How the Internet of Things (IoT) Is Transforming Advertising

As a rapidly growing ecosystem of devices that sense user behaviors and transmit data to each other, IoT uses algorithms that trigger particular data-based responses and...

Ambient Computing As an Enabler of Amplified Intelligence

In the world of ambient intelligence (AmI) all devices work together in order to support people in their everyday activities. They use intelligence and information concealed in...

How the IoT Is Transforming Aviation

As estimated by CISCO, there will be over 50 billion internet-connected devices by 2020 − more than 6x the world’s population! Every vertical and niche seems to be gearing...
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