Unlocking HTML5 Opportunities for Digital Ad Campaigns

While surfing through Google Think Insights, I've come across an interesting study in which almost 300 professionals from creative and digital media agencies were polled on how they develop digital ads for desktop, smartphones and tablets. The study found that although there're more end users in HTML5 compatible environment today, the vast majority of digital media houses still design their ads primarily for PCs.

Reasons why many agencies stay away from mobile app developing for smartphones and tablet screens are:

  1. Lack of demand / interest from clients
  2. Re-using existing desktop ad versions instead of creating the new ones optimized for mobile and tablet screens
  3. Inability to use creatives across all platforms
  4. This is a time consuming effort

Most of digital media agencies design ads for desktop in-house and outsource ads design for mobile and tablet devices:

However, agencies understand and admit the benefits of HTML5 based digital ads. They list among top benefits:

  • Ability to place ads within mobile and tablet devices
  • Ability to create more appealing and engaging ad designs
  • Ability to develop more interactive ads
  • Ability to traffic one ad creative across multiple distribution channels

Google has also found that 63% of agencies have no or very little in-house experience with HTML5 design and development.

Read more about android app development in our solutions.

Good news is that 70% of agencies are very or extremely likely to design digital ads for smartphones and tablets in the next 12 months.

And yes, most of agencies - almost 90% - are optimistic about the future impact of HTML5 solutions on the digital advertising industry.

Read more about ios app development in our solutions.

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Vik Bogdanov

Vik is our Brand Journalist and Head of Online Marketing / PR with 11+ years of international experience in IT B2B. He's also a guest blog contributor to Business2community, SitePoint, Journal of mHealth, Wearable Valley and other IT portals.

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