IT project staffing is getting more and more challenging, especially in competitive industries. Finding the right tech staff for your project sometimes requires more resources than actually executing the project itself.
In fact, according to toggl, an average U.S. company would spend around $4,000 to hire a new employee. And it's quite a sum! It is the exact reason why most companies collaborate with IT staffing agencies. By doing so, they can avoid the average cost that they would otherwise have to pay for the new employee. Once partnered with a staffing agency, they won't only save money, but also the time when it comes to getting the right staff for their project.
So, all those companies that have already chosen an IT consultant are probably on the right path. However, for all the others, we offer our advice on how to plan and handle IT project staffing on their own. If you are having this issue, after reading this article, you'll eventually escape all the classic traps.
#1. Limited Choice
When hiring teams of individuals to work on a particular IT project, most companies limit themselves to local talent only. So, instead of grasping the opportunity to get to global talent, they aim for in-office employees. However, hiring an in-office employee for a project will not only take a lot of their time, but it will also be more costly than going for a dedicated remote team.
Besides, don't make the mistake that many companies would! Instead of narrowing down your opportunities, you can take advantage of the vast worldwide choice. You can get to IT individuals by visiting hackathons, tech conferences and summits, as unconventional ways of getting to tech professionals.
#2. Skipping the Onboarding Process
Some companies assume that IT individuals can easily find their way through the project. However, this is a big mistake. Even though you might be hiring dedicated teams, you have to provide an onboarding process. Within the onboarding process, you can also see whether the team members will be fit or not.
If you think that not every individual should be a part of the onboarding process, you can test them out first and see who can skip it. However, don't assume that all of the employees can skip the onboarding process. Because, if you do, you're risking to face failure further on in the project. And you don't want that to happen.

#3. Not Using the Right Tools
The advance of technology can genuinely help us automate the processes that were done manually up until recently. There are so many tools that can help you tailor your project according to your needs.
However, sometimes companies stick to means that they understand and know, instead of getting what's best on the market. Any change can indeed require additional resources such as time and money; however, it can double the profit. That's why you should aim at letting go of the old ways and welcome the new tools and products.
#4. Insufficient Training
Even though sometimes your IT project can be short, it's always better to spend some time and provide your employees with the right training. Jumping into a project without enough preparation is a considerable risk that might bring a negative outcome. It regularly happens to small companies. Small companies usually don't have the resources and start projects immediately that reflects in the quality of their work.
In addition to not providing enough training before a project, companies also lack to provide ongoing training to employees. Training shouldn't be limited just to new employees. Your loyal employees should get training, as well. This way, they can upgrade their skills and can be of great help to new employees.

#5. Short Hiring Process
The time pressure of starting a project as quickly as possible can bring a lot of headaches to staffing managers. In a competitive industry, such as IT, talent is disproportionate with the need for talented IT individuals. Therefore, in most cases, staffing managers offer a short hiring process to get to expertise fast and easy. However, there is no shortcut to success! And you should be aware of it to avoid this trap.
Sometimes spending some time creating a throughout the hiring process is better than dealing with unfit candidates later on. Nobody likes to deal with the consequences, right? If you think that putting your resources into the hiring process is a costly venture, try thinking about the cost of a failed project. So, we hope you'd make the right choice.
We encourage you to grasp the tools and technology of the 21st century and staff your project with the right tech savvies. Partner up with an IT company and they can deliver to you the best of the best. So, why wait? We wish you luck!