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The future of transportation

Through magnets and low air, pressure humanity is taking giant steps on our transportation here on Earth.

The future of transportation

Image credit: Sputniknews

The very first passengers have already experienced a trip to Virgin Hyperloop. The American company Virgin Hyperloop took its first trip with real passengers in the test XP-2 capsule last week. 

Check out a related article:

This test took place on DevLoop site, a facility located in Nevada, about 500 m from Virgin Hyperloop in Las Vegas. Here, the firm had already performed about 400 tests without passengers in the capsules.

According to the company, this test accomplishes one important milestone in the plan for this enormous project thought to have capsules for 28 passengers.

In the capsule, the passengers: Josh Giegel. (Virgin Hyperloop cofounder) and Sara Luchian (Passengers' Experience director).

Even though Virgin Hyperloop capsules had already reached a 386 km/hr speed, this particular test was performed in low speed reaching 172 km/hr in about 6.25 seconds.

Sun energy: Seawater desalination 

Improving existing processes by applying innovation and different materials.

Sun energy Seawater desalination

Image credit: Dbg

A group of researchers from Russia, Norway, and China developed a technology that helps desalinate seawater in a faster way, increasing equipment performance with the use of solar generators.

This is an innovative process that according to the articles posted in Renewable Energy and International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer distinguishes it from the previous methods because it utilizes cheaper inocuos nanoparticles. 

In order to create more physical properties to this water, the scientists add graphite and iron oxide nanoparticles.

In contrast with other processes, by applying this methodology, there’s no need to make use of Gold or Silver, according to Boris Balakin an MEPhl Institute of Physics and Nuclear technology expert.

Apple’s new processor

Long-lasting battery, Instant waking from sleep mode, and executing applications from iOS. These are the advantages promised by Apple with their new chip.

Apples new processor

Image credit M1 Apple

Additionally, the firm stated that all of their own applications have been optimized for this new Mac equipment, however, it will be a challenge to get on board the rest of the independent developers.

The new MacBook computers that will come with the new M1 chip included will be:

13in MacBook Air, it won't need an integrated fan to keep it at a healthy working temperature.

13in MacBook Pro, double than before, now it will be able to play video for 20 consecutive hours with just a single battery charge (double than its previous model).

The firm has not revealed any news regarding newer versions for the iMac or iMac Pro, it makes us wonder what would Apple be preparing to surprise us next?

YouTube’s massive outage

Last week millions of users experienced downtime while watching their videos on YouTube. Don’t worry it is not you, it is a massive outage.

YouTubes massive outage

Image credit: MDV

The most popular video streaming platform suffered from a worldwide fall that lasted for about an hour. The internauts didn’t hesitate to floor the social media networks with tons of memes and funny pictures resembling the service outage.

Both website and mobile applications suddenly stopped working. Early at this point most of the users thought of internet connection malfunctioning in their countries. However, after taking a look at Twitter’s trending topic, we all realized that it was in fact a massive outage in this service.

The company made a public statement through their Twitter account Team YouTube, after acknowledging the situation, they said the service was restored after a couple of hours and it is suggested that it was all internal technical problems.

As of now, we are good to continue enjoying the content on YouTube, but who knows when and why would be the next service outage?

South Korea presents its flying taxi

Their goal is to accelerate the security and viability of these drones for transportation of freight and start shipping as early as 2025.

South Korea presents their flying

Picture credit EFE

A few drones thought to carry passengers and freight were flying last week in a first exhibition flight over the capital of South Korea. Many efforts have been placed in terms of logistics in order to accomplish the security requirements and their goal is to have them in service by 2025.

This event was organized by the Territory, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry of Seúl’s Metro government to show to the public these drones that they plan to be part of society’s daily activities in the near future.

It is expected that this model would be ready for 2023, aiming to be in service early 2025 as Timothy Kim, Hanwha’s UAM manager stated.

This is just a starter of what is to come. For now, it is a nontripulation fight over South Korea’s capital, next to come: drones carrying passengers to their destination.

Operations Director
Javier is a young Mexican talent that combines his engineering knowledge and processes ensuring all the efforts from every department are focused to deliver excellence and provide customers a good working experience.
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