IT Strategy

What To Consider When Building Killer 4G Apps

There're six key factors, basically:

  • User smartphone's battery life
  • User data caps
  • Data transfer settings
  • Data transfer speed
  • Robustness of features
  • Video thumbnails

Of course, there's much more to it, but these factors should be on your Top Priority List as long as you don't want consumers to dump using your apps when they switch to 4G LTE enabled gadgets (and most of them are already on the way, you know).

So, how to create killer 4G apps that would make your users happy? Get the answer from our white paper below.

State of 4G Apps Development 2014: Trends, Challenges, Solutions from INTERSOG

Need to upgrade your existing iOS and/or Android app or create one from scratch to work seamlessly on 4G LTE devices? Feel free to send us your specs and/or ideas to and we'll estimate them for you for absolutely free of charge! The estimate will include: approximate time and mobile app development / design resources needed as well as a ballpark figure for your project.

Vik is our Brand Journalist and Head of Online Marketing / PR with 11+ years of international experience in IT B2B. He's also a guest blog contributor to Business2community, SitePoint, Journal of mHealth, Wearable Valley and other IT portals.
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