IT Strategy

Mobile Analytics – “Big Data” vs. “A Moment”

When looking at big data vs a moment, which is more important for content and communications strategies? These days, you can't have a marketing strategy without considering your content and analytics strategies as well.  As mobile continues to be at the forefront of martech because it's almost constantly attached to every forearm, it must be integral to your marketing strategy and tactics as well.

Mobile analytics can go way beyond what the traditional tools will give you: the demographics of the user, their usage of your app, location info, what pages they frequently visit, etc. Without a cohesive content strategy, you won't maximize the mobile potential to reach the personalization potential of the medium.

An Ideal App-isode

Imagine an app for one of your favorite stores that knows your previous purchases, nearest location, your color preferences and how frequently you visit.  The app KNOWS you’re a loyalist!  It surmises you LOVE the brand, and now the app can use YOU to help create additional raving fans!!

The app starts to send you push notifications every time you are within a half-mile radius of any of their stores.  The app produces time sensitive coupons that are absolutely perfect for you!  A pop-up notice even offers you an extra 10% discount ON TOP of your custom coupons for tweeting or sharing your love of the brand right at that “drive by” moment!  You decide to pull over and do the tweet and bam!  You've got an additional incentive to go into the store right then and redeem your coupon and extra offer!  The brand now has a loyalist who has just promoted for them!  The power of social proofing has been executed!

Post Purchase Payoff!

After the purchase you leave the store and there's an extra THANK YOU pop-up that appears on your phone.  It says, "open me" and your curiosity gets the best of you, so you have to click!  You're shuffled off to a VIP section of the app you never knew existed!  It says, "You've Arrived" and then you see confetti flying and hear music playing.  The screen flashes, "I hope you're sitting down!"  Now you're in some kind of Tetris coupon game where you try to drag the elements you want to build the perfect coupon.  You grab a redemption date, try to snag the highest discount and then grab your favorite item or department.

Your hand-eye coordination sucks, so you can't select anything but a date and at the end, when the buzzer sounds that time is out, you've got nothing but a tiny button that says "surprise me…” You hit it and it instantly generates the perfect spiff for you!  The heartstrings are forever strummed and you are willing to SHARE that joy again and don't care who knows about it!  Your favorite retailer has just leveraged the VALUE of mobile app analytics and capitalized on the "capturing of moments" impact on serving the perfect interaction for you!

Is Bigger Really Better?!

Big Data development is all the rage, but perhaps it's more important for the marketer to “capitalize on a moment.” Does data that’s two years old really matter right at this point in time? Perhaps, but at this second, you already know the who, where and when. The how is most likely “as easy and low maintenance as possible” so the WHAT (what do they need?) is really the major unknown variable. The “what” will ever be changing, so why not pop-up (push notification) and ask, “Can I help you find what you need?”

mobile big data

Define Your Desired Data

What specifically do you want to know about a person who’s using your app, in general and in a moment?  In general, you want to collect very specific data about your users by simple techniques such as required registration information, in-app surveys and contests that offer additional incentives in exchange for additional details. It’s the GIVE to GET principle.

In A Moment

In a moment, you want to gather stimuli information. What makes your user tick and what’s the best way to convert them at any given point in time? Let’s say you know a person is in your mobile app or on your mobile website looking up pricing and they are not in your store.  Are they at home or at your competitor?  What is the margin of what they are looking to purchase?

Can you offer them a pop-up discount to convert their research into a purchase transaction right now?  Can you offer complementary items as well?  Ask them something specific you want to know about them in exchange to get bonus discount or extra incentive or better service.  The mobile medium enables this type of immediacy, contextual connection and 360° feedback. If you are giving something of value, you can get something in return. For your content strategy, define the “give” and the “get.”

Apps vs Ads

The accessibility, availability and interactivity is why apps are much better than ads in building brand engagement and creating contextual connections.  Ads are static and not interactive. Even digital ads have limited functionality and engagement potential. Besides knowing where they click and perhaps who they are (if they’re logged in), what else do you know about them?  You match their login info and IP address and dig deep into your Big Data DSS to know more about them, but even that still doesn’t enable a dialogue and “give to get” scenario.

apps vs ads, mobile apps for marketing

With mobile apps, the potential to connect is almost limitless. That is why today you need to retool your m-commerce offering, rethink your content strategy, devise how gamification could augment your brand, and look at that device that’s probably no more than two feet from where you are right now and figure out how to capitalize on it and innovate new ways to interact and better ways to conduct business.

Take Aways

  • Define Specific Analytics Goals
  • Give to Get – Revise Your Content Strategy
  • Use an App for Increased Engagement – Capture a Moment
  • Innovate to Lead – Gamify, Enlighten, Connect, Transform

Reach Out To Intersog

We live and breathe this everyday. Schedule time to learn more about how mobility solutions can create more raving fans, happier employees and less frustrated suppliers. You’ll be glad you did!

Margaret is our Director of Delivery - North America. Besides her enthusiasm for being a true client partner, Margaret enjoys singing, writing and helping others achieve their personal and professional goals. Feel free to contact her on LinkedIn.