Software Development Blogs

rsync vs. scp with big files

not sure how many people need to copy big sized files over to remote boxes over the internet and how frustrating it is to get connection stalled and timeout right after 89% of copy has completed. scp doesn't support partials, however rsync does and can save lots of time recopying over unstable link, i.e.:

$ rsync --partial --progress -a --rsh=ssh --bwlimit=100 *.rpm

is the same as

$ scp -l 100 *.rpm

except it will resume from partial upload.

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Igor is Intersog's CEO and Co-Founder. Over the past 15 years he has built a reputation as a tech industry innovator on the technical and business fronts. Throughout his career Igor has balanced his technical roots and executive acumen with top-level involvement in high-profile projects for Volkswagen AG, Orbitz, and American Airlines. A lover of everything outdoors, when he's out of the office Igor can likely be found strapped to a snowboard in the Rockies or sailing somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.