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How Not To Fail UI/UX Design Crash Course at British School of Art and Design

Big projects, disagreement inside team, restless nights, new findings and many other things that I learned and took away from my knowledge enhancement trip to Moscow.

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UI / UX course is the most popular one among other crash courses provided by the British Higher School of Art and Design. With almost 60 students (which is a lot!), this course was very interesting and very hard at the same time. Read about Chicago mobile app development services.

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Compared to the past years, the course of Yaroslav Shuvaev was more focused on making successful web and mobile design projects that would provide the maximum profit and inspire new ideas at the same time. The concept of "design" was considered very indirectly, since it includes a scope of research, testing, and hypothesis.

7 teams, 7 projects, the ultimate goal was to create a working prototype of each project by the end of the course.  

The main principle was “everyone chooses project he wants”. Yet., the most interesting thing was that each team consisted of people of different backgrounds and skill levels.

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10 days of non-stop workshops, 10 days of brainstorming and "firefighting".

My takeaways from the course:

I admit that the course has entirely changed my view on many things; I learned new ways of teamwork, new design techniques, and how to work fast in order to get the best possible results.

1. Time is money. Make decisions quickly!

Considering that IT industry is developing at a fast pace, the knowledge we gained yesterday may not be relevant tomorrow. So, choose the most effective techniques and quick solutions for completing projects effectively.

2. Learn how to code

Besides being good at design, teachers of the British School of Arts and Design are also good at coding and know html, css, and javascript.

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We were taught how to bring products more quickly to market by working with the code and in close collaboration with software developers.

3. Try new software for prototyping

In order to find the best solution for your problem, you need to know sources of solutions in order to do it very quickly and efficiently. We learned innovative web and mobile interaction design tools and ways to better prototype projects.

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4. Research and analyze!

During the first 5 days of the course, we did nothing but research and analysis. In fact, it turned out to be a very complicated and time-consuming task - so, design is only the tip of the iceberg!

Our classroom looked like the mad professor's lab, with cumbersome formulas painted all over the place (well, we had paper stickers in our case). Every single thought of ours was jotted down on stickers - ideas about the product, our research results, and many other things.

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5. Good design is rapid design!

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6. A good team that understands each other perfectly well is the key to any business success!

10 days on the crash course are equal to many years of work In a typical company, due to the constant lack of time and stress, you know who exactly in the team slows down the process and who is the engine of the team.

7. Test and verify as much as you can!

Right in front of our eyes, our colleagues could not cope with the task to purchase a debit card on the bank website. That's when you understand how important it is to test your products and identify / fix bugs prior to launching them to the mass market!

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Any questions regarding the British School and Art and Design? Feel free to post them as comments below!

Images: George Telpis

George is our UX / UI and brand designer. He graduated from Odessa Polytechnic University where he studied to become an engineer of automated systems and management. Yet, he literally fell in love with web and mobile design and chose it as his profession. Back at the University. George worked in web development as a web and graphics designer. After graduation he was involved with design of a glossy magazine for women, interior design, branding and advertising, logo design, etc.