In the tech world, there are always competitions, whether it’s about programming languages, web applications, popular frameworks, etc. The reason for that is the ongoing emergence of new technologies that keep on beating the already existing ones. However, some web developers go on and grasp the new changes, while others are sceptical of their performance.
As a result, there are plenty of tutorials, acting as a major update as well as a comparison between different technologies. This type of insightful content will either inspire developers to take a leap into the “unknown” or rather, help them stick with what they have experience in. In the end, it’s all about using each technology to its full potential.
However, the question is, which technologies should new developers focus on in 2020? What should they start learning?
Since different programming languages go along with different types of frameworks, we’ll go on and JavaScript. Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the core technologies that are used for web development. JavaScript is a very popular programming language used for creating the user interface on websites. The two types of JavaScript frameworks are
- front end frameworks
- backend frameworks
In this article, we’ll discuss the 3 most popular JavaScript frameworks according to Google Trends, that every front-end developer can use for web development. Get an insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the following front end frameworks: angular, react, and vue.

This open source framework is developed by Google and it is free! Even though the oldest front end development framework, Angular is still ranked as the best framework. Angular’s first launch happened in 2010 by AngularJS. However, an improved version (Angular2) reappeared in 2016 with perfected features. Now, developers can use the latest Angular8 version. Some of the perks if you choose Angular are:
- Easy to develop any type of web app
- Single-page application, which works inside a browser and doesn’t need page reloading throughout the usage.
- The existence of the component-based structure of Angular enables developers to use components several times.
- Built-in functionalities.
- High programming quality.
- Access to a large community and lots of materials and resources for learning and support, since Angular is the oldest network out there.
Angular may impose some following issues:
- Requires a lot of time spent on learning due to its complex syntax.
- A steep learning curve.
React is a JavaScript library, released in 2013, developed by Facebook and maintained by a large community of users. Its popularity has been most notable in 2019 when it had a record number of downloads.
Companies use React as a framework tool due to the many specific features it possesses. One of those is the Virtual Document Object Model (Virtual DOM), a representation of HTML nodes. DOM enables the usage of the JavaScript XML (JSX) extension, just so the user can write HTML in React.
The main advantages of React development are:
- Various tools that enable the developer to play around and make any type of changes.
- High efficiency and flexibility, improving its performance.
- Easy learning curve because of its simple structure.
- A good community of developers and users that can help you out anytime!
Developers mostly skip to React because of the following reasons:
- It uses the JSX instead of HTML.
- Focuses on using UIs and requires using third party libraries that many developers will find it complex.
- Many programmers find React complex and have a difficult time understanding it.

Vue, developed by Google’s former programmer - Evan You, is mostly used for improving the web page interface. The primary purpose of Evan You was to create a light framework that will obtain higher performance than Angular. So, here are some of its advantages:
- Angular is a 20 KB light framework, very simple to work with.
- Easy integration with other programming languages.
- Easy learning curve.
- Fast performance because of its light size.
Nevertheless, its disadvantages are:
- A small community of users and developers when compared to the other JavaScript frameworks.
- Limited features.
- Not very flexible when it comes to teaming up with large projects.
Comparison of the 3 Frameworks
In case you can’t choose the right framework for you, here is a list of comparisons among them. The comparison is done while having in mind their features, number of downloads, good and bad sides, etc.
Angular VS React
Here are all the differences between Angular VS React:
- React uses a Virtual DOM, Angular operates on a real DOM.
- Angular uses both one-way and two-way data binding, while React uses the only one-way binding.
- For project architecture based on React, you’ll need multiple integrations and supporting tools, such as Redux, Babel, and Webpack. On the other hand, Angular is a full-fledged framework, with the following features: Angular CLI, Angular Universal, RxJS.
- Angular requires longer load times, while React is smaller and therefore faster.
Angular VS Vue
- Angular is known as a full-featured JavaScript framework, while Vue is progressive.
- Vue’s learning curve is easier when compared to Angular.
- Angular has compiled time error handling, while Vue has runtime error handling.
- Angular has shadow DOM while Vue has virtual DOM.
React VS Vue
- React is a library, while Vue is a framework.
- Both frameworks use a virtual DOM and have a component-based, reactive structure.
- Both use JXS.
- React VS Vue: Vue.js development is easier to learn compared to React.
- The difference in performance between React and Vue is in milliseconds.
Have you already made up your mind and chosen a framework that you will learn in 2020?