Case Studies

Intersog® has been serving its clients for over 20 years, earning the reputation of a trusted IT partner. Browse some of our success stories.
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Innlandet Health Trust

Innlandet Hospital Trust is one of 15 health trusts in Helse Sør-Øst and covers the counties of Hedmark and Oppland of Norway. The health trust consists of 10 divisions with services over 41 sites in Hedmark and Oppland. Client Goal Innlandet Hospital Trust was looking to develop an innovative...

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Connecting Patients and Doctors with a VideoMedicine App by Salus

Intersog developed a groundbreaking healthcare app that helps patients consult with doctors...

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Delivering an Intuitive Mobile App for the UChicago Medicine Service Department

Intersog helped the University of Chicago Medicine develop a user-friendly mobile application for seamless maintenance issue...

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Smart Health Monitor

Client Our Client (under NDA) is a US-headquartered manufacturer of smart solutions for heart health, weight, and blood pressure control. The Client has designed and produced a series of clinically validated smart gadgets that offer a better and effortless way of...

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Wearable Fitness Tracker

Workout and Health Monitoring App Development for iOS and...

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